Touch and Click

Vanilla javaScript detect ‘click’ and ‘touch’ events in one boilerplate function.

         * Run a callback after a click or tap, without running duplicate callbacks for the same event
         * Hem dokunma hemde click eventlerinin aynı anda tetiklenmemesi için bir Callback ile geri besleme
         * Works in all modern browsers, and at least back to IE9.
         * @public
         * @polyfill    @required               None
         * @components  @required   @TODO       'util.queryElement()', 'util.on()'
         * @param       {Node}      elem        The element to listen for clicks and taps on
         * @param       {Function}  callback    The callback function to run on a click or tap
        onClickOrTap: function (elem, callback) {

            elem = util.queryElement(elem);

            // Make sure a callback is provided
            if ( !callback || typeof(callback) !== 'function' ) return;

            // Variables
            var isTouch, startX, startY, distX, distY;

             * touchstart handler
             * @param  {event} event The touchstart event
            var onTouchStartEvent = function (event) {
                // Disable click event
                isTouch = true;

                // Get the starting location and time when finger first touches surface
                startX = event.changedTouches[0].pageX;
                startY = event.changedTouches[0].pageY;

             * touchend handler
             * @param  {event} event The touchend event
            var onTouchEndEvent = function (event) {

                // Get the distance travelled and how long it took
                distX = event.changedTouches[0].pageX - startX;
                distY = event.changedTouches[0].pageY - startY;

                // If a swipe happened, do nothing
                if ( Math.abs(distX) >= 7 || Math.abs(distY) >= 10 ) return;

                // Run callback


             * click handler
             * @param  {event} event The click event
            var onClickEvent = function (event) {
                // If touch is active, reset and bail
                if ( isTouch ) {
                    isTouch = false;

                // Run our callback

            // Event listeners
            util.on('touchstart', elem, onTouchStartEvent);
            util.on('touchend', elem, onTouchEndEvent);
            util.on('click', elem, onClickEvent);


Function Components


         * Add events or an event
         * Works in all modern browsers, and at least back to IE9.
         * @public
         * @polyfill    @required                   None
         * @components  @required       @TODO       'eventListenerHandler()'
         * @param       {String|Node}   types       The event type or types (space separated)
         * @param       {String}        selector    The selector to run the event on (, seperated)
         * @param       {Function}      callback    The function to run when the event fires
        on: function (types, selector, callback) {

            // Make sure there's a selector and callback
            if (!selector || !callback) return;

            // Loop through each event type
            types.split(',').forEach((function (type) {

                // Remove whitespace
                type = type.trim();

                // If no event of this type yet, setup
                if (!activeEvents[type]) {
                    activeEvents[type] = [];
                    WIN.addEventListener(type, eventListenerHandler, true);

                // Push to active events
                    selector: selector,
                    callback: callback




         * Remove events or an event
         * Works in all modern browsers, and at least back to IE9.
         * @public
         * @polyfill    @required                   None
         * @components  @required       @TODO       'getListenerIndex()', 'eventListenerHandler()'
         * @param       {String|Node}   types       The event type or types (space separated)
         * @param       {String}        selector    The selector to remove the event from (, seperated)
         * @param       {Function}      callback    The function to remove
        off: function (types, selector, callback) {

            // Loop through each event type
            types.split(',').forEach((function (type) {

                // Remove whitespace
                type = type.trim();

                // if event type doesn't exist, bail
                if (!activeEvents[type]) return;

                // If it's the last event of it's type, remove entirely
                if (activeEvents[type].length < 2 || !selector) {
                    delete activeEvents[type];
                    WIN.removeEventListener(type, eventListenerHandler, true);

                // Otherwise, remove event
                var index = getListenerIndex(activeEvents[type], selector, callback);
                if (index < 0) return;
                activeEvents[type].splice(index, 1);




         * Add events or an event
         * The handler is executed at most once per element per event type.
         * İşleyici, etkinlik türü başına öğe başına en fazla bir kez yürütülür ve sonra otomatik olarak silinir.
         * Works in all modern browsers, and at least back to IE9.
         * @public
         * @polyfill    @required                   None
         * @components  @required       @TODO       'util.on()', ''
         * @param       {String|Node}   types       The event type or types (space separated)
         * @param       {String}        selector    The selector to remove the event from (, seperated)
         * @param       {Function}      callback    The function to remove
        one: function (types, selector, callback) {
            util.on(types, selector, function callbackWrapper(e){
      , selector, callbackWrapper);


         * Return Query Element
         * Works in all modern browsers, and at least back to IE9/8.
         * @public
         * @polyfill    @required                   None
         * @components  @required                   None
         * @param       {String|Node}   selector    The selector to query element
         * @param       {Node}          elem        Parent Element
         * @returns     {Node}          elem        If has class return true
        queryElement: function (selector, parent) {
            var lookUp = parent ? parent : DOC;
            return typeof selector === 'object' ? selector : lookUp.querySelector(selector);

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